Bryan J. Michelow, MD., FACS

Bryan J. Michelow, MD., FACS

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Instructor for Filler Injections...

Restylane and Perlane update from our office...

Bryan J. Michelow, M.D., FACS, is pleased to announce that he has been accepted by Medicis as a professional trainer for Restylane and Perlane fillers.

Training sessions, to instruct interested Physicians regarding a recommended injection technique for these fillers, will begin in the New Year.

Wellness Evolution

Announcing "Wellness Link" our new partnership with Wellness Evolution.

If you smoke or are overweight, Dr. Bryan Michelow, your Plastic Surgeon, will most likely recommend that your surgery be postponed until you stop smoking or have lost some weight. This is not an easy task but fortunately you do not have to do it alone...

Through Wellness Evolution we can now help you achieve your goals naturally and with the support of qualified professionals.

Partnering with Bryan J. Michelow, M.D., FACS, Wellness Evolution has designed three customized programs to assist our patients:
1. A smoking cessation program,
2. A weight loss program and
3. An "optimizing health" program for individuals looking to keep that healthy glow.

Click here to link to Wellness Evolution or ask us about Wellness Evolution at your next visit.

Abdominoplasty & Mommy Makeovers...

are among the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures.

The tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) is fast becoming the cosmetic surgical procedure of choice these days. Popularity of the tummy tuck is being fueled by celebrities wishing to regain their pre-baby shape and they are going public about their decision to opt for this elective surgery - oftern in conjunction with breast lift or augmentation.

The decision to undergo one or both of these procedures reaches beyond vanity. Clothes fit better and women can feel more confident with a firmer and toned body. These surgeries offer women additional incentives to exercise and keep in shape. I invite you to view my televised interview regarding this exciting procedure.

Do not forget DAD! Abdominal liposuction to define the "ironing board" contour of the abdomen maybe just what the doctor ordered to regain his pre-baby shape, even if the baby was born thirty or so years ago.

View my video on WKYC-TV's Good Company.