From Lab Research to Clinical Reality
53rd Annual Meeting of the
Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons
May 14th to 16th, 2010
Ritz Carlton Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio
53rd Annual Meeting of the
Ohio Valley Society of Plastic Surgeons
May 14th to 16th, 2010
Ritz Carlton Hotel, Cleveland, Ohio
Designated for 17 hours of Category one credits and 3 hours 15 minutes of Patient safety
Friday, May 14th
1. A record number of Abstracts have prompted the inclusion of Posters into the program.
2. The Abstracts that have been selected for presentation are of the highest quality.
3. The Program provides information about both Basic Science and Clinical subjects.
4. What are the “Medicolegal aspects of Body Contouring Surgery?” Dr Peter Rubin, MD.
will detail these and how to avoid them.
5. Residents and Fellows are invited to lunch and an informal discussion with a group of
Attendings regarding life choices after residency.
6. Hear about “Pearls from the Plastic Surgery Practice” of a senior plastic surgeon,
Ernie Manders MD.
7. Learn from the “Errors and Opportunities in the Plastic Surgery Career” of our Keynote
Speaker, Luis Vasconez, MD.
8. Enjoy a Cocktail Reception at the Ritz Carlton Hotel and browse the posters
expounding the challenging research from our own institutions. There are few
laboratories worldwide whose cutting edge research is as productive and influential
as the institutions in the 5 states constituting our society.
…more about Saturday and Sunday to follow….
Looking forward to welcoming you to the Conference.
Bryan J. Michelow, MD
2010 OVSPS President.