Bryan J. Michelow, MD., FACS

Bryan J. Michelow, MD., FACS

Friday, January 21, 2011

Breaking down the skin !

"Breaking Down the Skin" A Novel Approach to Treating Acne and Signs of Aging.

Gena O'Neill, Director of Aesthetic Skincare, is a medical licensed aesthetician with more than 14 years of experience in helping clients deal with the physical and emotional impact of acne and aging.

Committed to holistic practice, Gena's approach to skincare incorporates guidance on many levels. However, when it comes to acne and aging, Gena's gentle touch and tender care are rooted in an approach that often times means breaking down the skin and repairing it with product.

Acne and Aging, although positioned on two opposite sides of the spectrum, benefit from many similar techniques.

"Breaking down the skin" can refer to exfoliation with product, dermablading, peel or hydro-rejuvenation. These peel back years from the face and kill the spread of bacteria from acne.

After this completed, Gena will recommend a home care treatment plan to rebuild the skin using product.

Contact Gena at 216-595-6800
3733 Park East Drive, Suite 107
Beachwood,. Ohio, 44122